DIY Coolroom Kits and Walk-in Fridges/Freezers - Items tagged as "Recommendations disabled"
Whether you need a great quality DIY Cool Room, Cold Room, Walk-in Fridge or Walk-in Freezer Kit, discover the great range available from OzSupply & CoolRoomsPlus. We send these anywhere in Australia, so if you need a DIY Kit, let us help you get a great Refrigeration Room.
Call our Expert Partners on (03) 9794 9273 to find out more, to enquire about customized pre-made sizes for DIY Kits, for experienced and expert Design, Construction & Installation jobs, and for bigger Temperature Controlled Room & Refrigeration Room projects.
CALL FOR YOUR KIT - (03) 9794 9776 or Coolrooms Plus (03) 9794 9273